Monday, June 29, 2009

'Before' photo's

Okay, here are some 'before' photo's. I am hoping that this time next year, I'll be looking back on these shots and saying 'oooh, ahhhh, look how much my garden has changed!

Below - This mess of weeds is a shallow garden which will be perfect for some herbs and flowers with small roots which don't mind lack of drainage and full sun most of the day.

Above - the huge old pipe with the agave growing in it, and a circle of concrete edging. When it rains, the garden inside the circle becomes a pond, so there's not much drainage there.

Okay, enough of the old...
Below - I watered all of my babies today. The tomatoes are looking happy, with new green shoots on all of the cuttings.

I picked and ate my first mandarine of the season today, and it was sweet, juicy and delicious. I am taking a couple more to work tomorrow to share. Last year we had more than 200 from the tree, and gave a lot away to friends.
The oranges are ripe as well, and we'll pick them soon to juice. They are very yasty, but always too sour to eat. You know the saying... when the world gives you lemons (or sour oranges?)... you add a lot of sweetener and enjoy the juice.
I loved hiding in my garden today.


  1. Good luck with your new garden! Our seasons are so different, it will be interesting to follow you. See, you cant hide in your garden, you've invited me in to watch ;-)

  2. Welcome to my garden AG! I wish I could offer you a mandarine off the tree.
